
My Time At Portia Badges

Badge Exchange ico.png

The Bluecoat Exchange is a shop inside The Round Tabular array. Django runs this shop and uses it as an exchange center for the badges earned from playing minigames inside his eatery. The currency used to purchased items in this store is the Knight Badge.

Grinding Badges [ ]

The almost expensive items in the Badge Commutation toll 2,000 to 4,000 Knight Badges, which can require hundreds of games to earn.

While Slots give the highest possible rewards, yielding upwardly to 500 badges, information technology is extremely difficult to play and can become expensive, costing up to 50 gol per play with a loftier possibility of losing. Slots are the fastest and cheapest way to earn badges when mastered, but it requires significant corporeality of practice to acquire the appropriate timing.

Similarly, Shoot Balloons awards 35 badges if played perfectly, but can also be difficult and costs xxx gol per play. Although it is possible to earn no advantage, information technology is unlikely. Shoot Balloons is a more consequent source of badges than Slots at a lower cost.

Darts, on the other mitt, only rewards 20 badges, but is like shooting fish in a barrel to master. Darts just costs 20 gol to play and is completed quickly. Although, it would have 160 perfect games to buy the most expensive item in the Badge Commutation, Darts is easily mastered, making it more about fourth dimension commitment than skill.

Relationship disbelieve [ ]

The actor can get up to 20% disbelieve while shopping at the Badge Substitution if they become friends with Django and 25% discount if they get his lover.

Stock [ ]

Most of the items at the Badge Commutation can be purchased with Knight Badges. Several baby toys are available for purchase for Gols.

There is a fixed amount of each item in stock. If the player buys all available items then they will take to expect until the next day for the store to restock.

Unlike most of the other stores, Bluecoat Exchange does not purchase any items from the thespian.

Badges [ ]

Badge Exchange Bluecoat Exchange
Item Amount Toll
Meatballs and Vegetable SoupMeatballs and Vegetable Soup
10 xKnight Badge.png
Classic Spaghetti with Meat SauceArchetype Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
10 xxKnight Badge.png
Seafood NoodlesSeafood Noodles
10 30Knight Badge.png
Cooking MasterCooking Master
5 200Knight Badge.png
Journey from the EastJourney from the Eastward
5 250Knight Badge.png
Busy FarmBusy Farm
5 300Knight Badge.png
Five Hundred Creative DesignsFive Hundred Creative Designs
5 250Knight Badge.png
Bubble WandChimera Wand
1 300Knight Badge.png
Apology BearApology Bear
1 600Knight Badge.png
Meeting TableComing together Table
1 1,500Knight Badge.png
Armor of a KnightArmor of a Knight
i ii,000Knight Badge.png
1 600Knight Badge.png
Knight's ShieldKnight's Shield
1 two,000Knight Badge.png
The Waiting Girl Music BoxThe Waiting Girl Music Box
1 4,000Knight Badge.png
Butterfly HairpinButterfly Hairpin
ane 500Knight Badge.png
Golden ToadGolden Toad
one 400Knight Badge.png
Cat TreeCat Tree
1 1,000Knight Badge.png
Cat ScratcherCat Scratcher
1 1,000Knight Badge.png
Chicken EarringsChicken Earrings
1 500Knight Badge.png
Bubble MachineBubble Machine
ane iii,000Knight Badge.png
Blonde DollBlonde Doll
1 240Knight Badge.png
Stuffed BearStuffed Conduct
1 100Knight Badge.png
Fluffy RabbitFluffy Rabbit
1 100Knight Badge.png
Milk BottleMilk Bottle
1 500Knight Badge.png
Dinosaur carDinosaur auto
one 300Knight Badge.png
Rubber DuckRubber Duck
1 300Knight Badge.png
Rainbow caterpillarRainbow caterpillar
i 300Knight Badge.png

Gols [ ]

Badge Exchange Badge Exchange
Item Amount Cost
Dinosaur carDinosaur automobile
one 600Gols.png
Rubber DuckRubber Duck
1 600Gols.png
Rainbow caterpillarRainbow caterpillar
1 600Gols.png


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