
Pokemon Go Is Meltan Good

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Will/is Melmetal going to be practiced for anything besides PVP?

I'm currently sitting on a 100% meltan and will have plenty candies to evolve it simply i can also evolve meltan that would be better suited for pvp. Volition there ever exist a time where a loftier CP perfect melmetal will exist great for something?

For the tape i have a switch and lets become eevee so getting more meltan boxes is just a thing of waiting a week.

level one

No, it will never get better steel moves than metagross and I believe metagross has college attack stat too

level 1

· three year. ago

Delaware - Mystic - Lvl. 50

I mean a maxed out 100% Melmetal would be useful in Master League.

level 1

I'm holding onto my 98% one until double iron bash comes out. It'll probably be a total twelvemonth long wait for that, though, so if y'all want one for master league PVP before that, that's totally reasonable.

level 2

Blissey is only adept at gym defending likewise. And people don't view Blissey every bit trash.

I personally view Melmetal every bit top 4 defender (after Blissey, snorlax, around same level as chansey)

level 2

Only gym defending :/

There are three areas of the game; PvE (raids), PvP and defending.

Information technology'south usable in 2/3. What'due south the thought? You want it to make a sandwich also?

level 2

Outclassed by magnezone (whenever they feel like releasing it)

level 1

It'due south non virtually every bit good in PvP at present either after the Thunderbolt nerf.

Seems similar currently information technology's best utilise is gym defense.

level 2

It still shreds against pop used mons like Altaria and Azu's though

level one

Much more likely to be better in the main series, it's not very adept in get similar a lot of commonly good to great pokemon. Usually because of no speed stat or Like Melmetal's case, a bad moveset.

level 1

I have mine in my gym battling squad with Thunderbolt and Rock Slide, only because information technology offers better blazon coverage than pure electric types.

level 1

It's good in all iii leagues and equally a gym defender; a maxed out 100 Melmetal is going to be the best option for a Melmetal used in master league and gym defence force.

It also has some niche uses in raids: Blizzard Kyogre and Solar Axle Ho-Oh come to mind.

level 1

Maybe, possibly non. I would be hesitant to evolve an 100iv anyhow.

level ii

I'yard with you on the hesitation. I have then many things I want to evolve but I simply won't practise it. It's such a frustrating way to play the game. Really promise they introduce some special TMs in the future.

level one

Meltan is good in all 3 pvp leagues

level 1

I Like my Melmetal in groovy league. Am working on a second melmetal for peachy league.

I been seeing some melmetal gum defenders

level one

In that location is no Meltan better suited for PvP than a perfect one (potentially speaking).

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